Free 4 Day Challenge For Men

FromSelf-Doubt to Self-Love

4-Day Men’s Transformation Intensive to Overcome Insecurities

Join now for free instead of $499!

Let me ask you a question

Are you

tired & exhausted

behind your mask?

Then it’s time to

Take Action

This challenge is for you if you want to connect to your essence, gain confidence, and create from a place of peace and love.

4 Day Transformation

ATTN: Men who are struggling with self-doubt and are eager to feel empowered and self-assured, but don’t know how to navigate the path to self-discovery.

If I offered to personally guide you through a transformative 4 day mentorship process to help you recognise and transcend your insecurities, enhance your self-love and drive you towards your personal and professional goals, would you take me up on that offer?

This process is designed to unveil the roadblocks that are currently hindering your self-love, and will equip you with the tools to overcome them. Not only will you gain a deeper understanding of yourself, but you’ll also see a significant boost in your motivation to achieve your goals.

And the most exciting part? This transformation unfolds WITHOUT altering your genuine self or being told how to behave. This is about revealing YOUR true self and capitalising on your unique strengths, not about turning you into someone you’re not.

So, are you ready to embark on this transformative journey and become the best version of yourself? Let’s get started.


Sign up to the challenge. It’s time to take action!


Watch pre-recorded videos: learn from our curated content that’s designed to challenge and inspire


Engage in live coaching: benefit from Awakening Breathwork sessions, mindset and embodiment work


Join a community of like-minded men: you are not alone. Connect, grow and succeed with others who share your commitment to transformation.

Join now for free instead of $499!

After 4 days, my promise to you is:

[ 4 Day Challenge

Transcend Your Insecurities ]

Embodied Confidence: Transform from feeling insecure and unsure to embodying confidence and clarity. Experience a noticeable shift in your self-perception and how others perceive you.

Harmonious Relationships: Establish stronger, deeper connections with others in your life. Move from feeling isolated and misunderstood to feeling supported, seen, and valued in your relationships.

Clarity and Energy to Follow a Mission: After the challenge, you will be equipped with the mental clarity and energy necessary to pursue your mission relentlessly and purposefully.

Empowered Self-discovery: Embark on a journey of self-discovery and embrace your true potential. Gain the tools and understanding to navigate this journey with courage, acceptance, and peace.

What you will get:

Day 1 : 08 Jan 2024

Self-Study: 24h before each live session you will get a high-end pre-recorded training to prepare you for the live session. For your own benefit, it is a prerequisite that you have watched the training.

In this first training we look at what’s holding you back and why you are repeating the same patterns over and over again. You will receive a framework that exposes the mind’s compensation strategies, to identify your own limiting beliefs. Furthermore, we talk about the difference between knoweldge and experience, and why most traditional coaching and psychotherapy sessions don’t work.

Live Integration Coaching: Building on the theoretical knowledge aquired in the training, you will experience how the insecurities you have identified feel in your body. This might sound scary but you will learn how to regulate your nervous system and stay in control and safe in any situation. In a safe and sacred space, we tap into the dispair/pain that exists within all of us, and gently start shining a torch into this unknown territory.

Day 2 : 09 Jan 2024

Self-Study: What’s the connection between the mind and body? How is behaviour programmed and informed? In today’s training you will learn the language of the body, and the language of the mind. We look at the science of how we are wired and why it is so difficult to change.

Live Integration Coaching: Prepare yourself for a mind blowing breathwork experience. As men we seem to want to always move forward, have a plan, and take action. This unique breathwork experience will connect you to something deeper inside you: something that requires no doing, and feels incredibly vast, peaceful and connected.

Day 3 : 10th Jan 2024

Self-Study: Learn the discernment between doing and being, and understand the difference between living from your ego vs your heart. Expanding upon your experience of yesterday’s breathwork session, you will deepen your understanding of what it means to embrace your individuality.

Live Integration Coaching: Will achieving your desires truly make you happy, or is this merely an excuse created by your mind to keep you stuck where you are? Today we bring together our understanding of present condition and desired condition, and cut straight through one of the biggest killers of your dreams.

Day 4 : 11th Jan 2024

Self-Study: Once you know what’s holding you back, and how, you want to know where to go, right? But first, it is important to learn how your nervous system works, how it can make you feel depressed and/or burnt out, and how to turn it into a friend rather an enemy.

Live Integration Coaching: Our last live coaching features one of my signature breathwork sessions: “On Purpose”. Connect to your Higher Self and define a new version of you without limitations. Here, I show you a path forward…PLUS I  have a special offer for you that you don’t want to miss!

Yes please, I want to save $499!

Marius Wenning


I’m Marius, your guide on this transformative journey. I’ve journeyed through life wearing many hats – starting as a digital marketing strategist, traveling to all continents before I turned 30, and exploring numerous training and healing methods. I’ve walked the path with Ayahuasca and San Pedro, and I’m now a certified breathwork facilitator. But most importantly, I’ve had the privilege of working with men like you for many years, helping them unlock their true potential.

24/7 Access to student material. Get the app and join a thriving community of likeminded men.

Are you ready to take action?








Your Investment To Change Your Life:

US$ 499

Launching Special

US$ Free


4 High-end recorded training sessions

4Live Integration Coachings and Q&A

Convenient learning experience with Android & ISO App

Learn at your pace with 24/7 access

Access to amazing community of likeminded Men

Online support

Hosted on one of the worlds best learning platforms for your security and convenience
